Create Your First NexBox

May 13,2024

In NEX, Nexboxes are containers for collecting content. You can save any articles or YouTube videos you like into a Nexbox. Nexboxes also support the creation of sub-nexboxes, making it easy to further organize your content.

Creating a Nexbox

• Click the plus sign on the interface

• In the pop-up window, enter the name of your Nexbox. To help you create a better Nexbox, we provide name suggestions in the window. After entering the name, click Next

• Our AI will automatically generate a suggestion with a sub-nexbox structure based on the name you entered. You can choose the AI's suggestion or opt to create a single Nexbox

• To create a sub-nexbox, move your cursor over the Nexbox and click the "Create a sub-nexbox" button in the menu

Once you've created a Nexbox, the AI will automatically attempt to categorize content into the appropriate Nexbox when you save articles or videos.

you want to manually adjust the location of an article or video, click the "Move" button in the menu and select the desired location.