Why We Created Nex

May 13,2024

Why it Matters

• We believe that through text, video, and audio, one gets ideas to plan and execute great things.

• The internet scatters long-form content, making it very frustrating to prioritize what we can manage to consume.

• One feels as if they will never be able to consume everything they need to on the internet. This causes Informational Fear Of Missing Out (INFOMO), in addition to the concepts of entropy or cognitive load, popularized by C.Shannon and D. Kahneman).

What Nex is Transforming

• Our vision is for Nex users to cohabitate with AI and master information, eventually creating a new form of social network.

• In the near future, Nex will radically personalize feeds(retrievals) and minimize noise(redundancy).

• Nex will co-generate your wisdom within SOTA models, and attention-less runtime

As You Curate AI, It Creates a Next You

Distilling long-forms

   • Video Quickviewer: understand a 90-minute YouTube video in 10 minutes, with a timeline and full transcript.

   • In-depth Skimmer: extract 10~15% of critical ideas from over 10,000 words of research.

   • Tabs Scanner: scan the latest news across 50 browser tabs in only 7 minutes.

Auto-Saving & Sorting

   • Recent: track items you've opened but not yet read or watched.

   • Box: sort items into viable How-tos, such as a reference, project, base, or community.

   • Coming soon: with AI next to you, screen and save ideas anywhere, anytime

• Leveraging Time

   • Nex concerns millions of How-To worldwide

   • Of utmost importance: how to leverage time from minutes to hours

   • Instead of platforms and institutions, it ensures you master information